Financial Consulting

Why it is important.  There are different Investment avenues in Financial Market which common man may not be aware of. So, it becomes imperative to take help from an expert in these investment avenues.

Different Types of Investments

Fixed Deposits(Banks & Corporate)

This is the most common type of investment familiar to everyone. isn’t it? what one may not be aware of the fact that Fixed Deposits are offered by Private companies also other than Banks. But one must be cautious in choosing it and take help from an expert before investing in it.

Real Estate

Home is where spend our lives and emotionally attached to it. Some people invest in second or third home also just for investment purposes or pass on to their children also. Initially, this particular investment was not regulated but as the interest grows, government has formed a regulator for this sector called RERA.(Real Estate Regulatory Authority)


We all know how we Indians are attached to Gold. Apart from Traditional way of investing in Gold(Ornaments for Home Use), one can invest in gold in Modern ways also without worrying about need of storage or making charges. Get in touch with the Expert to know more.

Debt & Liquid Funds

Apart from Equity Mutual Funds, there are different types of Mutual Funds which do not invest in Equity due to Volatility and hence one can invest in these types of mutual funds for short term goals but must engage an expert.

Peer to Peer Lending

This is the new investment class developed in the recent past. in this investment, you lend your surplus money to needy one’s on interest basis. There are specialized platforms available in market authorized by RB.I Ask an expert for this.

Steps in Financial Consultation

Step 1: Engage Financial Expert

You can not do everything yourself. Do you? Hence, it’s imperative to take the services of Financial Expert and sit with him regularly and start discussion on your Various Financial Goals & Future Aspirations.

Step 2: Income and Expenses

Discuss your current ingo(Income) and outgo(Expenses) and get the blueprint ready from him after taking into account your Risk Profile and time to achieve those goals/aspirations.

Step 3: Don’t put all your eggs in one basket

It’s an old adage you must have heard of.. You might have seen advertisement on this also where Children hide their ice creams at different place and start taking it out when their father asks for it.. Jokes apart, its very great technique to diversify your investment portfolio, that also based again on time to achieve your goals and Risk taking capacity.

Step 4: Insurance First, Investments Later.

You must secure your and your family life first through life insurance & health insurance before you do anything else. It not only takes care of your family but also helps in maintaining same lifestyle in case any unfortunate event takes place or something happens to you.

Step 5: Borrow Wisely

Although You should not burden yourself by taking loan yet some loans are good to take like education loans as investment in Education pays the best interest going forward. Ask the financial expert on other Good Loans.

Step 6: Take Advantage of Indian & Overseas Equity Markets

India is the fastest and emerging economy in the world and you must take benefit of investing in equities to generate inflation beating returns and must invest only for the log term as it is the most volatile asset class. Invest only after taking into account your risk appetite and consult Financial Advisor before investing into Equity markets.

Advantages of Financial Consultation

  1. Helps in Generating inflation beating returns in the long term, thereby helps you to retain the purchasing power of your money.
  2. Helps in Proper investment planning to  save the taxes.
  3. It enables us to borrow wisely and save us from falling unnecessarily into debt trap.
  4. It helps in diversifying the portfolio well enough to keep the risk to minimum.